With the current economy, people are scared to invest in the stock market right now. What they don't know is this is the best time to invest! Never before has the market price of blue chip companies been so low. It has been extremely hard to get in to these companies in the past but now the markets are more level. The main problem people face now is what companies to invest in. They don't know how to find undervalued stocks which will inevitably increase. Read on to the end of this article and you'll find out exactly how to do just that.

So, what are penny stocks? Penny stocks are stocks that are priced well below what it should be valued at. These stocks are considered to be "on sale". There are many cases out there where stocks are priced up to 50% lower than they are valued.

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So, how do we find these undervalued stocks? There are hard ways and there are easy ways. One hard way is to search for an undervalued stock and analyze the price per earnings and earnings per share of the companies that you are interested in. There is really no clear formula on establishing if a stock is under priced. It basically takes a lot of practice and experience at analyzing the historical data of a stock. In the stock market game, history always tends to repeat itself. Now an easier way is to use software to root out these undervalued penny stocks. These stock "robots" use unique pricing patterns to evaluate the history of all stocks and shares and compare their performances against pre-set pricing patterns. Basically doing what a human does but with less emotion and much more efficiency.

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